NucleoSpin Plant II Maxi Kit

Macherey-Nagel GmbH & Co. KG / Genomics

NucleoSpin Plant II Maxi preps for the isolation of genomic DNA from plant - NucleoSpin Plant II Maxi Columns, NucleoSpin Plant Filters Maxi, Collection Tubes, buffers, RNase A

140,00 €
Artikel-Nr. Preps Anwendung Technology Format Einzelpreis Best.Einh. Menge
740772.10 10 Isolierung von DNA Silica membrane technology Maxi spin Säulen 140,00 € VE
140,00 €
Artikel-Nr. Name VE Präparationszeit Typische Ausbeute Bindungskapazität Typical purity A260/A280 Lagerung Preps Technology Fragment size Prozessierung Probenmaterial Elutionsvolumen Anwendung Format Haltbarkeit Probenvolumen
740772.10 10 90 min/prep 50–300 µg (1500 mg, wet weight) 500 µg 1.8–1.9 15−25 °C 10 Silica membrane technology 50 bp–approx. 50 kbp Zentrifugation Plant 1000–2000 µL Isolierung von DNA Maxi spin Säulen 27 Monate < 1500 mg wet weight, < 300 mg dry weight
NucleoSpin Plant II Maxi preps for the isolation of genomic DNA from plant - NucleoSpin Plant II Maxi Columns, NucleoSpin Plant Filters Maxi, Collection Tubes, buffers, RNase A


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