Hamilton LC Spritze, Gastight for Rheodyne & Valco

Restek / Spritzen Probenvorbereitung

Gas-Tight Syringes (Hamilton) for Rheodyne®, & Valco®, Valves •PTFE-tipped plungers. •Removable needles. •Replaceable syringe barrels, plungers, and plunger tips. For syringe basics, including tips on handling & cleaning, needle termination codes, a needle gauge chart, needle point styles, and syringe termination information, click here.

116,00 €
Artikel-Nr. Nadelanschluss Gauge Nadellänge mm Modell Volumen µL Einzelpreis Best.Einh. Menge
21260 RN 26s 51 (2") 1701 10 109,00 € St.
109,00 €
21261 RN 22s 51 (2") 1702 25 114,00 € St.
114,00 €
21262 RN 22s 51 (2") 1705 50 115,00 € St.
115,00 €
21263 RN 22s 51 (2") 1710 100 115,00 € St.
115,00 €
21264 RN 22s 51 (2") 1725 250 116,00 € St.
116,00 €
Artikel-Nr. Name VE Anwendung / Verwendung gasdicht Spitzenform Volumen µL Gauge Kolben Nadelanschluss Nadellänge mm Modell
21260 1 für Rheodyne und Valco Ventile ja 3 10 26s PTFE-Kolbenspitze RN 51 (2") 1701
21261 1 für Rheodyne und Valco Ventile ja 3 25 22s PTFE-Kolbenspitze RN 51 (2") 1702
21262 1 für Rheodyne und Valco Ventile ja 3 50 22s PTFE-Kolbenspitze RN 51 (2") 1705
21263 1 für Rheodyne und Valco Ventile ja 3 100 22s PTFE-Kolbenspitze RN 51 (2") 1710
21264 1 für Rheodyne und Valco Ventile ja 3 250 22s PTFE-Kolbenspitze RN 51 (2") 1725
Gas-Tight Syringes (Hamilton) for Rheodyne®, & Valco®, Valves •PTFE-tipped plungers. •Removable needles. •Replaceable syringe barrels, plungers, and plunger tips. For syringe basics, including tips on handling & cleaning, needle termination codes, a needle gauge chart, needle point styles, and syringe termination information, click here.


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