Motor Oil Composite Standard

Restek / Standards und Reagenzien

Used Motor Oil Composite Standard Prepared from an equal-volume blend from five gasolinepowered vehicles (belonging to Restek employees). After blending, a precisely weighed amount of the composite is added to a volumetric flask to produce the standard.

69,00 €
Artikel-Nr. Konzentration Matrix Gebindegröße Methode Anwendung / Verwendung Einzelpreis Best.Einh. Menge
31464 50000 µg/mL 50000 µg/mL in Methylene chloride 1 mL UST Kohlenwasserstoffe 69,00 € St.
69,00 €
Artikel-Nr. Verpackung Name VE CAS# Gebindegröße Anwendung / Verwendung Format Matrix Methode Konzentration
31464 Ampulle 1 64742-65-0 1 mL Kohlenwasserstoffe Einzelelement 50000 µg/mL in Methylene chloride UST 50000 µg/mL
Used Motor Oil Composite Standard Prepared from an equal-volume blend from five gasolinepowered vehicles (belonging to Restek employees). After blending, a precisely weighed amount of the composite is added to a volumetric flask to produce the standard.


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