Pumpenkolbennstange für Waters HPLC

Restek / HPLC Ersatzteile

ASI Replacement HPLC Pump Piston Rods for Waters Systems Buffer salts and metals from the HPLC system become imbedded on the surface of the piston seal and gradually wear the surface of the piston rod. Worn regions on the rod will quickly destroy the pump seals. In turn, the seal material gets trapped on the frit at the head of the column, which leads to increased system pressure and/or irregular or poor peak shape. As the piston continues to wear, a leak may develop at the pump.

Preis auf Anfrage
Artikel-Nr. Gerät Modell Material Einzelpreis Best.Einh. Menge
25195 Waters 616, 625, 626 Saphir Preis auf Anfrage St.
Preis auf Anfrage
Artikel-Nr. Name VE Material Gerät Modell
25195 1 Saphir Waters 616, 625, 626
ASI Replacement HPLC Pump Piston Rods for Waters Systems Buffer salts and metals from the HPLC system become imbedded on the surface of the piston seal and gradually wear the surface of the piston rod. Worn regions on the rod will quickly destroy the pump seals. In turn, the seal material gets trapped on the frit at the head of the column, which leads to increased system pressure and/or irregular or poor peak shape. As the piston continues to wear, a leak may develop at the pump.


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