SGE Gasdichte Standard-Mikroliterspritzen mit PTFE-Kolbenspitze

Restek / Spritzen Probenvorbereitung

Gas-Tight PTFE-Tipped Syringes for Agilent 7673, 7683, 7693A, and 6850 Autosamplers Replacement Needles for Agilent 7673, 7683, 7693A, and 6850 Autosampler Syringes 24894 Guide to Needle Termination Codes Hamilton: (N) Cemented Needle (RN) Removable Needle (ASN) Autosampler Cemented Needle (ASRN) Autosampler Removable Needle (TLL) PTFE Luer Lock (KH) Knurled Hub (LT) Luer Tip (LTN) Luer Tip Cemented Needle SGE: (F) Fixed Needle (R) Removable Needle (LL) Luer Lock (LT) Luer Tip 24789

115,00 €
Artikel-Nr. Nadelanschluss Gauge Nadellänge mm Modell Volumen µL Einzelpreis Best.Einh. Menge
21220 R 23-26 42 10R-HP-GT-0.63/0.47 10 126,00 € St.
126,00 €
22256 F 23-26s 42 10F-AG-GT-0.63/0.47C 10 110,00 € St.
110,00 €
24789 F 23 42 10F-HP-GT-0.63 10 115,00 € St.
115,00 €
Artikel-Nr. Name VE Anwendung / Verwendung Gasdicht Spitzenform Volumen µL Gauge Kolben Nadelanschluss Nadellänge mm Modell
21220 1 für Agilent 7673, 7683, 7693A, and 6850 Autosamplers Konisch 10 23-26 PTFE-Kolbenspitze R 42 10R-HP-GT-0.63/0.47
22256 1 für Agilent 7673, 7683, 7693A, und 6850 Autosamplers Konisch 10 23-26s PTFE-Kolbenspitze F 42 10F-AG-GT-0.63/0.47C
24789 1 für Agilent 7673, 7683, 7693A, und 6850 Autosamplers Konisch 10 23 PTFE-Kolbenspitze F 42 10F-HP-GT-0.63
Gas-Tight PTFE-Tipped Syringes for Agilent 7673, 7683, 7693A, and 6850 Autosamplers Replacement Needles for Agilent 7673, 7683, 7693A, and 6850 Autosampler Syringes 24894 Guide to Needle Termination Codes Hamilton: (N) Cemented Needle (RN) Removable Needle (ASN) Autosampler Cemented Needle (ASRN) Autosampler Removable Needle (TLL) PTFE Luer Lock (KH) Knurled Hub (LT) Luer Tip (LTN) Luer Tip Cemented Needle SGE: (F) Fixed Needle (R) Removable Needle (LL) Luer Lock (LT) Luer Tip 24789


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