SPE Kartuschen - Methodikenbezogen

Restek / SPE Kartuschen

These cartridges have been specifically designed to provide consistent and reproducible results for the method or application stated. All cartridges are manufactured using high density polypropylene and have polyethylene frits unless otherwise noted. For use in HPLC analysis of paraquat/diquat, as an alternative to EPA 549.2 Cartridges may be processed by any one or all of these techniques: positive pressure, sidearm flask, centrifuge, or vacuum manifold.

272,00 €
Artikel-Nr. Volumen mL Sorbentiengewicht mg Methode Format Einzelpreis Best.Einh. Menge
25499 6 500 Ultra Quat SPE Kartuschen-Methodikenbezogen 272,00 € VE
272,00 €
Artikel-Nr. Name VE Anwendung / Verwendung Volumen mL Format Methode Sorbentiengewicht mg
25499 30 Festphasenextraktion 6 Kartuschen-Methodikenbezogen Ultra Quat SPE 500
These cartridges have been specifically designed to provide consistent and reproducible results for the method or application stated. All cartridges are manufactured using high density polypropylene and have polyethylene frits unless otherwise noted. For use in HPLC analysis of paraquat/diquat, as an alternative to EPA 549.2 Cartridges may be processed by any one or all of these techniques: positive pressure, sidearm flask, centrifuge, or vacuum manifold.


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