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Gas filter - Trägergas

SGE / Filter Gasmanagement

Gas filter - Carrier gas The gas purifier system consists of two key parts: the connecting unit and the filters. The connecting unit has inlet and outlet connectors for the gas lines, and the system can be wall-mounted or fixed to a bench. Connecting units come with a 1, 2 or 4 filter capacity and are available for 1/4" or 1/8" gas lines. Each gas filter consists of adsorbent packed into a transparent and virtually unbreakable, heavy-walled polycarbonate housing.

234,90 €
Artikel-Nr. Katalognummer Typ Einzelpreis Best.Einh. Menge
1035250 4676268 Trägergas 234,90 € St.
234,90 €
Artikel-Nr. Name VE Kapazität Typ Entfernt
1035250 1 O2: 100mL; H2O: 1g; HC: Varies Trägergas Wasser, Sauerstoff und organische Verbindungen
Gas filter - Carrier gas The gas purifier system consists of two key parts: the connecting unit and the filters. The connecting unit has inlet and outlet connectors for the gas lines, and the system can be wall-mounted or fixed to a bench. Connecting units come with a 1, 2 or 4 filter capacity and are available for 1/4" or 1/8" gas lines. Each gas filter consists of adsorbent packed into a transparent and virtually unbreakable, heavy-walled polycarbonate housing.


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