13-mm-Einsätze für Autosampler

Thermo Fisher Scientific CCS / Probenflaschen und Verschlüsse

Thermo Scientific™ National 13mm Autosampler Vial Inserts are made of clear Type 1 Class A borosilicate glass and available in two configurations for use with HPLC or GC autosamplers. Usable volumes range from 350μL to 850μL. [Bullet] Conical inserts offer a low residual volume of less than 8μL. • Have a nominal O.D. of 6 or 8mm to fit 15 × 45 4mL vials • Deactivated inserts are NSC Silanized

29,52 €
Artikel-Nr. Flaschentyp Ø mm Material Nutzvolumen µL Form Einzelpreis Best.Einh. Menge
C4015-638 Konischer 800 µl-Polyspring-Einsatz 8 Klarglas 800 Konisch, Pulled-Point 54,49 € VE
54,49 €
C4015-643 Konischer 350 µl-Einsatz 6 Klarglas 300 Konisch, Pulled-Point 29,52 € VE
29,52 €
Artikel-Nr. Name Polymerfuß Form VE Nutzvolumen µL Material Flaschentyp Ø mm Passend für Höhe mm
C4015-638 Ja Konisch, Pulled-Point 100 800 Klarglas Konischer 800 µl-Polyspring-Einsatz 8 Autosämpler 4-ml-Fläschchen, 15 x 45 mm 38
C4015-643 Nein Konisch, Pulled-Point 100 300 Klarglas Konischer 350 µl-Einsatz 6 Autosämpler 4-ml-Fläschchen, 15 x 45 mm 40
Thermo Scientific™ National 13mm Autosampler Vial Inserts are made of clear Type 1 Class A borosilicate glass and available in two configurations for use with HPLC or GC autosamplers. Usable volumes range from 350μL to 850μL. [Bullet] Conical inserts offer a low residual volume of less than 8μL. • Have a nominal O.D. of 6 or 8mm to fit 15 × 45 4mL vials • Deactivated inserts are NSC Silanized


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