Oasis HLB Vac Kartusche with Gilson ASPC adapter

Waters / SPE Kartuschen

The 1 cc Oasis HLB cartridges contain the Oasis HLB sorbent, which is a universal polymeric reversed-phase sorbent that was developed for the Extraktion of a wide range of acidic, basic, and neutral compounds from various matrices using a simple, generic protocol. Since the Oasis HLB sorbent is water wettable, it maintains its capability for higher retention and excellent recoveries even if the sorbent runs dry, which means there is no need to take extraordinary steps to keep the sorbent beds from drying out during the critical steps prior to sample loading. The product is designed for automated SPE on the Gilson ASPC.

1.350,00 €
Artikel-Nr. Einzelpreis Best.Einh. Menge
186000988 1.350,00 € VE
1.350,00 €
Artikel-Nr. Name VE Modus pH Bereich Sorbenssubstrat Zylindergröße wasserbenetzbar Partikelgröße µm Sorbentiengewicht mg Packungsspezifizierung Porengröße Å
186000988 500 Umkehrphase (RP) 0 - 14 Copolymer 1 cc ja 30 10 HLB 80
The 1 cc Oasis HLB cartridges contain the Oasis HLB sorbent, which is a universal polymeric reversed-phase sorbent that was developed for the Extraktion of a wide range of acidic, basic, and neutral compounds from various matrices using a simple, generic protocol. Since the Oasis HLB sorbent is water wettable, it maintains its capability for higher retention and excellent recoveries even if the sorbent runs dry, which means there is no need to take extraordinary steps to keep the sorbent beds from drying out during the critical steps prior to sample loading. The product is designed for automated SPE on the Gilson ASPC.


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