SimpleCheck nD Dichlortoluol 1.546

Mettler-Toledo GmbH / Refraktometer

SimpleCheck™ certified dichlorotoluene standard for instrument performance verification • SimpleCheck™ certified dichlorotoluene standards ensure accurate and reliable results on EasyPlus refractometers. • After inputting the standard data or scanning the barcode on the certificate, users can be guided through the process by on-screen help texts. Safety Data Sheet:

111.00 €
Article nr. Katalognummer Typ Nennwert Brechzahl Gebindegröße Verpackung Zertifizierte Temperatur Single price Purch.unit Quantity
30467247 6319416 SimpleCheck nD Dichlortoluol 1.546 1,546 15 mL Flasche 20 °C 111.00 € St.
111.00 €
Article nr. Verpackung Name PackageContent Gebindegröße Typ Nennwert Brechzahl Zertifizierte Temperatur
30467247 Flasche 1 15 mL SimpleCheck nD Dichlortoluol 1.546 1,546 20 °C
SimpleCheck™ certified dichlorotoluene standard for instrument performance verification • SimpleCheck™ certified dichlorotoluene standards ensure accurate and reliable results on EasyPlus refractometers. • After inputting the standard data or scanning the barcode on the certificate, users can be guided through the process by on-screen help texts. Safety Data Sheet:

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