HyperSep™ Sammelgestelle für Druckverteiler

Thermo Fisher Scientific CCS / SPE Geräte und Zubehör

Use the Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Positive Pressure Manifold Collection Rack that matches the collection tube size being used. The HyperSep Positive Pressure Manifold prepares up to 48 samples by solid phase extraction (SPE) simultaneously. Extracts are collected into 13 or 16mm tubes. The HyperSep Positive Pressure Manifold holds up to 48 SPE cartridges. Samples and solvent, added to the SPE cartridge, are extracted under positive pressure for an even flow at each position. Extracts are collected into 13 or 16mm tubes. This SPE manifold provides a quick, simple and robust way to prepare multiple samples for analysis by chromatography. See related products if you need replacements for any of these HperSep Positive Pressure Manifold accessories.

1,201.67 €
Article nr. Typ Single price Purch.unit Quantity
60104-268 Sammelgestell für 16-mm-Röhrchen 1,057.06 € St.
1,057.06 €
60104-269 Sammelgestell für 13-mm-Röhrchen 1,201.67 € St.
1,201.67 €
Article nr. Name PackageContent Typ
60104-268 1 Sammelgestell für 16-mm-Röhrchen
60104-269 1 Sammelgestell für 13-mm-Röhrchen
Use the Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Positive Pressure Manifold Collection Rack that matches the collection tube size being used. The HyperSep Positive Pressure Manifold prepares up to 48 samples by solid phase extraction (SPE) simultaneously. Extracts are collected into 13 or 16mm tubes. The HyperSep Positive Pressure Manifold holds up to 48 SPE cartridges. Samples and solvent, added to the SPE cartridge, are extracted under positive pressure for an even flow at each position. Extracts are collected into 13 or 16mm tubes. This SPE manifold provides a quick, simple and robust way to prepare multiple samples for analysis by chromatography. See related products if you need replacements for any of these HperSep Positive Pressure Manifold accessories.

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