Collection Rack for Rosprep Manifolds

Restek / SPE Geräte und Zubehör

Resprep® 12- or 24-Port SPE Manifold and Replacement Parts • Use with any standard male luer end SPE cartridges. • Inert, PTFE sample guides reduce cross-contamination and carryover. • Flexible sample collection rack will accommodate a variety of receiving vessels. • Quick vacuum-release valve for better system control. • Individual valves allow vacuum control for each cartridge—improves reproducibility. NOTE: Replacement waste container not included in 24-port manifold kit (cat.# 26080).

Hersteller: Restek
Herstellerkürzel: REST
Artikel-Nr.: 26079
Sku: REST-26079

245,00 €
Artikel-Nr. Größe Einzelpreis Best.Einh. Menge
26079 12-Port 245,00 € St.
245,00 €
Resprep® 12- or 24-Port SPE Manifold and Replacement Parts • Use with any standard male luer end SPE cartridges. • Inert, PTFE sample guides reduce cross-contamination and carryover. • Flexible sample collection rack will accommodate a variety of receiving vessels. • Quick vacuum-release valve for better system control. • Individual valves allow vacuum control for each cartridge—improves reproducibility. NOTE: Replacement waste container not included in 24-port manifold kit (cat.# 26080).


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